How old is Caleeb Pinkett? When is Caleeb Pinkett's birthday? Where is Caleeb Pinkett born? Where did Caleeb Pinkett grow up from? What's Caleeb Pinkett's age?
Caleeb Pinkett Born: 1980 (age 43years), Orange County, CA
Caleeb Pinkett Parents: Robsol Pinkett, Jr.
Caleeb Pinkett Sibling: Jada Pinkett Smith
Caleeb Pinkett Niece: Willow Smith
Caleeb Pinkett Nephew: Jaden Smith
Younger step-brother of Jada Pinkett Smith. Brother-in-law of Will Smith. Stepuncle of Trey Smith.
Younger step-brother of Jada Pinkett Smith. Brother-in-law of Will Smith. Stepuncle of Trey Smith.