Chris Tyson, a popular YouTuber and content creator, was reported missing from Jimmy "MrBeast's" travel group during their visit to Japan. However, subsequent video clips and Instagram photos proved these rumors false. It was later revealed that Chris had indeed traveled with the group but opted not to participate in filming at one location as they preferred to spend quality time with their son.
After the initial rumors about Chris missing from MrBeast's Japan trip, some reports emerged speculating that the content creator might have fired them. However, Chris recently shared a Snapchat video dismissing these speculations. They explained that they had the freedom to come and go as they pleased during the trip to spend quality time with their son and that they were not fired from the group.
What did Chris Tyson say about rumors regarding leaving MrBeast?
Recently, Chris Tyson opened up about undergoing Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and has faced unwarranted criticism for their decision. For those unaware, HRT for trans women involves taking estrogen and/or anti-androgen medication to develop female secondary sexual characteristics. In contrast, for trans men, it involves taking testosterone to develop male secondary sexual characteristics.
However, the barrage of criticism prompted MrBeast to show steadfast support for Chris Tyson and denounced any transphobic remarks made towards them.
Naturally, seeing them briefly missing from the trip gave further ammunition to a certain section of the fanbase to speculate on Chris' employment. This was pointed out by one of their fans, who asked Chris:
"Did you get removed from the MrBeast team bc they also keep lying about that?"Chris, dismissing the rumors, said:
"I told Jimmy, just because I wanna spend time with Tucker (his son), and he's traveling a lot, I'm just gonna come and go as I please. I came to Japan and I left when I pleased."They also hinted, jocularly:
"And I went to, I don't know if I can say I went to Mexico, I went to Mexico and then I came back."Here's what the internet said
Minorities, particularly transgender individuals, are often subjected to toxic behavior in internet culture. Chris Tyson's recent statements about having the freedom to come and go as they please have sparked many comments from Twitter users. Here are some notable examples:
MrBeast recently announced that he will release one of his biggest projects. It remains unclear whether Chris Tyson, who has been a recurring cast member in Jimmy's videos, will be involved in the next video in any way. However, as things stand, they remain a member of the squad.
It is crucial to create a safe and accepting environment for Chris to grow and make their own choices. Respecting personal choices and providing support can promote inclusivity and tolerance, leading to a society where everyone can thrive.
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