There’s a lot of controversy in the NFL right now between Ray Rice and his wife, Adrian Peterson and his kids, and now Rihanna has been added to the mix. The singer was featured in the NFL and CBS’s line up of music for game nights, but the network and the NFL have decided to drop her part in the Thursday night telecasts following an angry tweet the singer made in regards to an edit that the CBS network made in her part of the song.
“Run This Town” is a song by Jay-Z that features Rihanna, and when the portion featuring her was cut from the song on Thursday night’s telecast and the network announced it was permanently making the edit, she sent out a hateful tweet.
“CBS you pulled my song last week, now you wanna slide it back in this Thursday?…Y’all are sad for penalizing me for this,” and followed it up with an expletive that is inappropriate to even mention. The network decided to permanently end their relationship after the tweet went live.
When the network introduced their Thursday night telecast, they decided to make a few temporary cuts considering what’s been going on in the NFL in regards to domestic violence. Rihanna’s part in the song was just a minor portion of the changes the network made the inaugural week, and the president of CBS Sports, Sean McManus, issued a statement that mentioned that because of Rihanna’s own experience with domestic violence, the network felt it was appropriate to pull her part for the time being.
After her tweet went live, the network made a public announcement to let the world know they’ve permanently decided to part ways with the singer. It was a move dictated by the tweet issued by the singer, and it’s one that’s going to lose her something like 10 million listeners a week.
(Photo by Simone Joyner/Getty Images)