With the progression of Season of the Malignant in Diablo 4, people have been trying to get the newest rewards and content in the seasonal realm. One of them is Malignant Hearts, as they grant some extremely potent benefits to your gear. However, just like most other items in the action RPG, Malignant Hearts also have specific categories depending on their rarity.
The rarest form of Malignant Hearts is known as Wrathful Malignant Hearts. According to Diablo 4, gem-like Hearts grant you Super Powers. These are extremely powerful abilities that significantly boost your build to its maximum potential.
Disclaimer: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinion on the matter.
Tier list for all Wrathful Malignant Hearts in Diablo 4
The Wrathful Malignant Hearts are significantly rarer than other Hearts in the game. Hence, you will have to farm considerably to get a hold of them. There are eight Wrathful Malignant Hearts in the game, with three being the general Hearts, and one for each class.
Keep in mind that all the class-specific Wrathful Hearts are unlocked only in World Tier 4, and The Barber is unlocked in World Tier 3. Hence, you will only have two Wrathful Hearts available in World Tier 2. Below is a tier list of all the Wrathful Hearts according to the descriptions in the game.
As the name suggests, the S-Tier comprises the best ones among the six Wrathful Malignant Hearts in Season of the Malignant. Although there can be quite a healthy discussion regarding all the various types of Wrathful Hearts in Diablo 4, it can be arguably said that Omnipower and The Barber are the best among them.
For the A-Tier, Ignoring Pain and The Malignant Fact seem to be the best choices. These might not be as useful to the classes as the S-Tier, but they can surely pack a punch.
- Vicious: Gain 20% Attack Speed
- Devious: Core and Basic Skills have a 15% chance to fully restore your Primary Resource
- Brutal: Every 21 seconds, gain a Barrier absorbing [85-102] damage
Moving toward the B-Tier, Creeping Death and The Unconstrained Beast seem to be pretty decent additions to the game. Although they lack a bit in quality compared to the previous additions on this list, you can surely have a great time with these Malignant Hearts in Diablo 4.
Finally, the C-Tier comprises the Wrathful Hearts that have not been quite satisfying. Being two of the most powerful classes in the game, the Rogue and Necromancer needed some equally fulfilling Wrathful Malignant Hearts to their name. Although the damage buffs seem quite appealing, the previous entries are considerably better.
This was everything you had to know about the Wrathful Malignant Heart tier list in Diablo 4 Season of the Malignant.
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